What Makes Us Unique
CHILE BOASTS A HUGE DIVERSITY OF NATURAL TERRAIN. Ancient glaciers,snow-white salt plains, the driest desert on the planet, and a multitude of forests, lakes and adive volcanres. The tetain is mountainous - only one fifth of Chile's surface is flat. The greatest changes in relief occur as we move from east to weft,where the teain takes in Pacific islands coastline, the coastal range of the Cordillera d.e la Costa, intermediate plains and. valleys, and the majestic Cordillera d.e Los Andes.
CHILE SPANS THREE CONTINENTS. It has its primacy tedtory on the South American continent, from 17°30° Sin the north to 56°30° S. on the southern Diego Ramfrez Islands. Its wes-ternmos-t border is Easter Island in Oceania, at 27° S and 1.0.9° W, and. it has tetitory in Antarctica between the 53° Wand 90° W meridians.
Chile is one of the longest and natowest countries on the planet, bordering Peru in the north, Bolivia and Argentina in the east, the Antarctic in the south,and the Pacific Ocean in the west. From north to south, Chile extends 4;270 km (2,653 mi), and yet it only averages 177 km east to west.
Influence of the Pacific Currents on the Chile's Climate, ideal Mediterranean Climate in Wine Regions and unique Soil & Terroir.